The Problem

AI is a great resource for researchers. However, there are some major drawbacks to solely using ChatGPT to develop your research.

Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT hallucinate -

LLMs have proven to make up answers that seem plausible rather than pulling directly from factual sources. This removes the credibility and trustworthiness that is essential for factual research.

LLMs don't cite sources -

There are no easy ways to understand how they arrive at their answers to questions. They are inherently opaque under the hood, and do not provide links or sources when giving answers.


The Solution

ScholarAI connects the LLMs that power ChatGPT with tailored access to open access articles, limiting hallucinations and connecting researchers with trustworthy sources.

ScholarAI limits hallucinations -

With a database of over 200M+ papers to search from, ScholarAI does not make up answers and only links to real, trustworthy, peer-reviewed articles.

ScholarAI links to sources -

With every research article that ScholarAI generates, a link is provided directly to the peer-reviewed article. You'll know exactly where the article came from, every time.


ScholarAI Tailored To You

Check out the similarities and differences between our Plugin, GPT, and ScholarAI Copilot.

Search 200M+ Abstracts
Read & Summarize Full Text
Create & Save Citations
Connect to Zotero Reference Manager
Bring Your Own External PDF
Enhanced External PDF Reading
Paper Question & Answering (Premium)
Figure & Table Extraction (Premium)
Direct Web Browsing
Generative Mode
Literature Mapping
Improved Image Generation (w/ DALLE)
Access to ScholarAI without ChatGPT
Running on GPT-4
Running on GPT-4 Turbo

ScholarAI Features

Search Abstracts
Search over 200M+ peer-reviewed articles.
Read Full Text
Read + summarize full text articles.
Save Citations
Create and save citations of any format.
Bring a PDF
Bring a PDF URL to read and summarize it's full text.
Paper Question & Answering
Ask direct questions about scholarly article.
Figure and Table Extraction
Extract visuals and data from papers.

ScholarAI Features

Deep dive into our core features with tips on how to get the most out of your searches.

Search Abstracts

Search over 200M+ articles from PubMed, Springer, Arxiv, Science, IEEE, and more.

From Search
Start by using the search bar to look for academic papers or articles.

You can enter a topic, a question, or specific keywords related to your area of interest.
Using Specific Keywords
Be specific with your keywords to refine the search and see the most relevant results.
For example, instead of searching "climate change," try "climate change effects in coastal regions" for more focused results.
Organizing Search Results
You have the option to organize your search results based on the number of times an article has been cited or by its publication date.
If not specified, ScholarAI will automatically sort the results by relevance, showing the most pertinent papers first.
Filter by Publication Date
If you're interested in articles from a specific time period, set a start and end year in your search parameters. This filters out articles outside your specified range.
Leaving these fields blank will prompt ScholarAI to search across all years, providing a broader range of articles.

Read Full Text + Bring a PDF

Once you find a paper that piques your interest in your search results, ScholarAI can immediately provide access to its complete text help you dive deeper into the meaning of the paper.

Access Full Text Directly From Search
Once you've located a paper of interest in your ScholarAI search results, you can effortlessly access its full text.
Each article that ScholarAI provides in a search will come with a link, ensuring our committment to trustworthy AI and reducing hallucinations.
Full-Text & PDF Summarization
Ask our plugin to summarize any article of your choice to grasp the core ideas and conclusions of scholarly materials easier and faster.
Interested in getting a summarization of an article not suggested by ScholarAI? Just ask our plugin to summarize your PDF of choice by profiding a link and we've got you covered.

Creating & Saving Citations

Streamline the process of citing sources in your research with our citation features.

Automated Citation Generation
When you find a relevant source on ScholarAI, you can use our plugin to automatically generate a citation in formats such as APA, MLA, or Chicago style.
After generating the citation, you have the option to save it within ScholarAI for easy reference.
Integration with Reference Management Tools
For seamless management of your citations, our plugin offers integration with popular reference management tools like Zotero.
This allows you to export citations directly to your Zotero account, facilitating a more cohesive and organized research process.

Paper Question & Answering

Gain deeper understandings of scholarly articles with the ability to ask questions and recieve intuitive answers.

Engaging with Full-Text Content
When you access the full text of a paper through ScholarAI, you can get deeper by asking specific questions about the content.
This feature allows you to interact directly with the text, obtaining precise answers and clarifications on particular aspects or data points within the paper.
Using Your Own Sources
If you have a PDF from an external source, you can still utilize our question and answering feature.
Simply provide the URL of the PDF along with your specific query. ScholarAI will then analyze the provided document and respond to your inquiry based on its content.

Figure and Table Extraction

Directly extract with visual elements from scholarly articles.

Extracting Visual Data from Papers
ScholarAI's figure and table extraction feature allows you to pull out specific images, charts, and tables from a paper.
This is particularly useful when you need to focus on the visual elements of a document for a more comprehensive analysis.
Accessing the Feature
You can use this feature while working with the full text of a paper within ScholarAI.
Additionally, if you have a PDF from an external source, you can prompt ScholarAI to extract figures and tables from it. To do this, use a command like: "Retrieve image labeled [IMAGE LABEL] from [PDF URL]."
Sign up for ScholarAI and access our ChatGPT-4 Plugin & GPT!