Hallucinations in LLMs: How ScholarAI Helps Prevent Them

Unveiling ScholarAI's Role in Combating LLM Hallucinations: A Deep Dive into AI Accuracy and Research Reliability.

November 08, 2023

Hallucinations have been one of the most commonly cited problems for generated AI systems, like ChatGPT. Hallucinations are an artifact of the stochastic nature of LLMs and can be limited using specific tools like ScholarAI. This blog describes the nature of hallucinations and illustrates how ScholarAI plays a crucial role in mitigating their impact, particularly for science, research, and data analysis.

Understanding Hallucinations in Large Language Models

Hallucinations refer to plausible, yet misleading or false information created by generative AI systems. In other words, hallucinations in LLMs are instances where the AI generates incorrect or nonsensical information, often with high confidence. These can range from minor factual inaccuracies to entirely fabricated data, references, or stories. This issue stems from how LLMs respond to user prompts: they process vast amounts of text data and learn patterns to generate responses. However, they don't inherently “understand” the content or verify its truth, leading to potential misinformation.

The Role of ScholarAI in Preventing Hallucinations

ScholarAI: A Tool for Enhanced Accuracy and Reliability

ScholarAI is specifically designed to address the challenge of hallucinations in AI-generated content. It's tailored to provide precise and reliable information, especially in the context of scholarly research and academia. ScholarAI overcomes the challenges of LLMs, namely hallucinations in two primary ways:

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG is an advanced technique in the field of AI and natural language processing (NLP) that combines a retrieval system with a generative LLM. This method is used to enhance the performance of language models in generating accurate, relevant, and contextually appropriate responses.

How ScholarAI’s Retrieval-Augmented Generation Works:

  1. Preemptive prompt engineering: ScholarAI has been engineered to act as a research assistant by default, ensuring all generated answers are grounded in truth.
  2. Input Processing: When a user inputs a query or a prompt, the system first processes this input to understand the type of questions being asked.
  3. Information Retrieval: The retrieval component searches through ScholarAI AI-native academic corpus to find the most relevant information.
  4. Data Integration: The retrieved data is then combined with the original query or prompt.
  5. Response Generation: The generative model utilizes this combined information to generate a response or perform a task.


"Chunking" in the context of LLMs is a strategy used to manage and mitigate the limitations imposed by the model's context window. The context window refers to the maximum number of tokens (words or pieces of words) the model can consider at one time when generating text. For models like GPT-3, this limit is typically around 2048 tokens.

Understanding the Context Window Limitation

Context Window: This is the maximum span of text (in terms of tokens) that the model can 'see' and use to generate responses. Anything beyond this window is essentially invisible to the model.

Limitations: When dealing with long texts, this limitation means that the model may lose track of earlier parts of the text, leading to responses that lack coherence or ignore key information from the beginning of the text.

The Role of Chunking

“Chunking" is employed as a method to break down long texts into smaller, manageable pieces that fit within the model's context window.

Breaking Down Texts: The text is divided into smaller segments or 'chunks'. Each chunk is designed to be small enough to fit within the model's context window.

Sequential Processing: These chunks are then processed sequentially. The model generates a response or analysis for one chunk before moving on to the next.

Overlap for Context Preservation: Often, these chunks are created with some overlap. This means that the end of one chunk might be repeated at the beginning of the next chunk. This overlap helps the model maintain context across chunks.

Advantages of Chunking

Improved Coherence: By processing the text in smaller sections, the model can maintain better coherence and continuity, as it doesn't lose track of essential details.

Handling Long Documents: Chunking makes it possible for LLMs to work with documents that exceed their context window size, like lengthy articles, reports, or books.

Enhanced Accuracy: For tasks like summarization or question answering, chunking can lead to more accurate and relevant outputs, as the model can consider the entire text, albeit in segments.

Other advantages of ScholarAI:

Access to Scientific Databases and Research Papers

ScholarAI has the capability to sift through extensive scientific databases. This access allows it to pull information directly from peer-reviewed papers and scholarly articles, significantly reducing the likelihood of generating inaccurate content.

Providing Research References by Default

A standout feature of ScholarAI is its default setting to provide research references for every piece of information it shares. This means that every claim or data point is backed by a link to a scientific paper or source, allowing users to verify the information easily.

Utilizing Advanced Features for Data Verification

ScholarAI employs features like 'search_abstracts', 'literature_map', 'getFullText', and 'question'. These tools enable it to perform in-depth analysis of PDFs, summarize scientific abstracts, and answer questions based on specific papers. This rigorous approach to data handling significantly curtails the scope for hallucinations.

Balancing Breadth and Detail in Information

ScholarAI is designed to use “chunking” to maintain a balance between providing a broad overview and diving into detailed explanations, as described above. This ensures that the information is not a superficial skimming of information, but is grounded in comprehensive research and analysis.

Wrapping Up: The Impact of ScholarAI in Science and Research Circles

For scientists, researchers, students, patent lawyers, life science consultants, and business analysts, ScholarAI offers a reliable way to navigate the vast ocean of scholarly material. It helps in:

  • Ensuring the Credibility of Information: By relying on peer-reviewed sources, ScholarAI maintains the integrity of the information it provides.
  • Saving Time in Literature Review: Its ability to quickly summarize and analyze research papers streamlines the process of literature review.
  • Enhancing Research Quality: With accurate data and references, ScholarAI contributes to the overall quality of academic research and writing.

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